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All rights reserved. This manual describes all aspects of SaxLab 2 and is designed so that your use of this software is as efficient and enjoyable as possible. At LinPlug we're very proud of SaxLab 2. Table of Contents Welcome.2 Table of Contents.3 Installation.4 Features.5 What's New in SaxLab 2.6 Overview.8 Main.10 Body.12 Tune.13 Presets.15 ECS.16 Amplitude Envelope.17 Performance.19 LFO.27 Deviation.30 Effects.32 Chorus.32 Reverb.33 Rear Panel.34 Registration.35 Support.35 Glossary.36 MIDI Implementation Chart.38 Appendix A: Using TUN Files.39. Make sure you choose the right installation directory, so your host software finds the SaxLab 2 VSTi. Refer to your host software's manual if you are unsure about where the host software plug-in directory is located. Features SaxLab 2 contains a range of features designed to make your music-making more efficient and enjoyable.
These features are listed below: § Monophonic multi-sample playback with internal four-voice crossfade. § An adjustable mix of three sound layers for each note: the “Air”. What's New in SaxLab 2 § The “Velocity to Envelope” control present in the first version of SaxLab has been replaced with a new “Enhance” (ENH) control for enhancing the attack transients of notes.
The “Velocity to Envelope” function (resulting in a quicker attack upon higher velocity) is still present however it is no longer adjustable by the user. § Instrument Presets are now managed using the standard LinPlug system which is found on all other LinPlug instruments. LinPlug SaxLab User Guide 2.0.3.
Main section. The particular scale tuning used by the SoundSet is set in the instrument’s Tune section, along with its overall tuning settings. In SaxLab 2, a note consists of three layers: the Main layer, the Keys layer and the Air layer. The Main layer contains the pitched component of the sound. The audio outputs of SaxLab 2 are automatically connected to the input of your host software's mixer.
Here you can set the pan position of SaxLab 2's output. Hopefully, this section has given you a brief overview of how SaxLab 2 works. Main SaxLab 2’s Main section is located in the middle of the instrument’s Front Panel. It contains controls for selecting the current Sound Set as well as for setting the relative levels of the instrument’s three sound layers. It also contains a MIDI indicator that shows when incoming MIDI Note-on messages are received. MIDI: The MIDI indicator lights up when any incoming MIDI Note-on messages are received by SaxLab 2.
Clicking and holding down a mouse button while the cursor is over the MIDI indicator automatically plays a C3 note. Body SaxLab 2’s Body section is located in the middle of the instrument's Front Panel above the Main section.
The Body section contains a filter with three controls that allow you to shape the overall timbre of the instrument. RES (Resonance): The RES control is used to set the amount of emphasis around the filter’s cutoff frequency.
Tune SaxLab 2’s Tune section is located on the upper left of the instrument’s Front Panel. This section consists of four controls: Coarse (Tune), Fine (Tune), the Tuning Display and Scale. Coarse (Tune): The Coarse (Tune) control is used to set the overall pitch of the instrument in semitone steps. Scale: The Scale control is used to set the Micto Tuning (TUN) file that SaxLab 2 uses. The TUN file is a list of pitches that the instrument uses to determine the pitch at which it plays back samples.
Most Western music uses a pitch system called Equal Temperament in which the smallest interval between two adjacent notes is defined by the ratio 1:1.05946. Presets SaxLab 2’s Presets section is located on the upper right of the instrument’s Front Panel. The Preset section contains the Preset Display and File Browser as well as the MIDI Learn ECS. Preset Display/File Browser Preset Display/File Browser: The Preset Display consists of two displays. The upper one shows the Current Bank and the lower one shows the Current Preset. MIDI controller (either hardware or software).
All you have to do is switch on the ECS indicator (click it once), select a SaxLab 2 parameter with the mouse and then send some MIDI messages to the SaxLab 2 from your MIDI source. Amplitude Envelope SaxLab 2’s Envelope section is located on the middle left of the instrument’s Front Panel.
Because SaxLab 2 uses samples for playback, the envelope of the sound it produces is determined to a large extent by the envelope of the sample that is currently being played. So for a good emulation these parameters should stay close to zero (bottom of the fader), but not zero. For a slow attack the attack time (or the main volume) should be controlled by a MIDI controller (see section ECS). LinPlug SaxLab User Guide 2.0.3. Performance The Performance section is located on the middle right of SaxLab 2’s Front Panel. The Performance section features the following controls: Scoop (Amount), PB- (Pitch Bend Down Amount) with Display, PB+ (Pitch Bend Up Amount) with Display, AMP (Amplitude) Depth, Control Source and Control Response Curve. Increasing the value of the PB- (Pitch Bend Down Amount) control will increase the range of the lower half of the instrument’s Pitch Wheel.
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PB+ (Pitch Bend Up Amount): This slider is used to set SaxLab 2’s response to incoming MIDI Pitch Bend messages that are above the midpoint of the MIDI controller's Pitch Wheel. Depending upon the circumstances, the hummed note may be harmonically related to the note played, or it may be completely unrelated.
SaxLab 2 enables the user to add “growl” to the instrument's sound via the Growl controls in the Performance section. Three MIDI controllers are available for modulating SaxLab 2’s various Performance parameters. These are: Velo (Velocity), BC (Breath Controller) and AT (Aftertouch). Each controller works in a slightly different way.
Note that only one type of MIDI control change message can be used for each Performance Control at a time. In this case, each note will sound as a complete and separate note. Next, let’s consider SaxLab 2’s Leg (Legato) mode. In this case, if two or more notes are played in a “legato” (connected) manner, where the following note is played before the previous note is released, then only the first note will have an attack portion. In SaxLab 2’s Alt (Alternate) mode, sample triggering alternates between Leg (Legato) mode and Ret (Retrigger) mode for each note in a legato sequence. Shown below is the same sequence of notes played three times, each time with a different Monomode setting. In each case arrows mark where the envelopes start for each note.
Closed when dial turned to the right. Singer magic press 4 pads.
A note with a shorter duration will have a shorter crossfade time. This is useful for playing passages that contain notes with a mixture of different durations. For example, say that SaxLab 2's LinPlug SaxLab User Guide 2.0.3. SaxLab 2's adaptive crossfade time means that the crossfade time changes according to the duration of the notes being played. SaxLab 2’s LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) section is located on the lower left of the instrument’s Front Panel.
The LFO section contains nine controls for setting various parameters of the instrument’s LFO. The controls include: DEL (Delay), ATK (Attack), Rate, Pitch, AMP, CTD (Controller Depth) and Controller Source.
(Controller Depth) controls. Pitch: The LFO’s Pitch control is used to set the maximum depth to which SaxLab’s overall pitch is modulated by the LFO. This can be used to create vibrato effects. AMP (Amplitude): The LFO’s AMP (Amplitude) control is used to set the maximum depth to which SaxLab’s overall amplitude is modulated by the. In this way, the user can quickly move from different amounts of vibrato at any speed they desire. LinPlug SaxLab User Guide 2.0.3.
Deviation SaxLab 2’s Deviation section is located in the lower middle of the instrument’s Front Panel. An important part of the sound of a real acoustic instrument is that no two notes are exactly the same. No matter how hard the player may try, each note is slightly different. Increasing the Pitch (Deviation Amount) control will introduce more random variation from note to note in the instrument’s overall pitch. LinPlug SaxLab User Guide 2.0.3. Effects SaxLab 2’s FX (Effects) section is located on the lower right of the instrument’s Front Panel. Two internal effects are available: Chorus and Reverb.
Chorus SaxLab 2’s Chorus effect can be used to 'thicken' the instrument’s monophonic output creating the impression that it contains multiple voices. DAMP (Damping) setting, the less high frequencies are contained in the processed signal. LinPlug SaxLab User Guide 2.0.3.
Serial Number Lookup
Version Number: The Version Number display is located on the upper right of the instrument's Rear Panel. It shows the version of the instrument. Clicking on the SaxLab 2 logo in the middle of the Rear Panel returns you to the Front Panel. Registration After you've installed and opened the full version of SaxLab 2, go to the instrument's Rear Panel (see the Rear Panel section of this manual for more information about the instrument's Rear Panel). The Serial Number edit box will read 'Enter here'. Enter the serial number you have received into the Serial Number edit box. (by modulating the instrument’s amplitude).
Modulation: The variation of one parameter by another. For example, a signal’s frequency can be “modulated” by an LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) in which case vibrato is produced. LinPlug SaxLab User Guide 2.0.3. Timbre is notoriously difficult to define. Having said that, timbre is usually defined as the characteristic tone colour of a sound. Timbre is what distinguishes two notes played at the same pitch and amplitude on different musical instruments.
LinPlug SaxLab User Guide 2.0.3. Poly (Key) Mono (Channel) Pitch Bend Control Change Program Change System Exclusive System Common Song Position Song Select Tune Request System Realtime Clock Commands Aux Messages Local On/Off All Notes Off Active Sensing System Reset LinPlug SaxLab User Guide 2.0.3.
A440 Hz or C261.6256 Hz as a reference for a microtuning, however, the flexibility of the TUN format and Scala enables one to specify this frequency arbitrarily. In Scala this reference is called Map Frequency. LinPlug SaxLab User Guide 2.0.3.
A440 Hz, but when one has specified another pitch base for a microtuning when the TUN file is created in Scala, such as C261.6256 Hz, the data in the TUN microtuning-file will provide a new pitch reference. LinPlug SaxLab User Guide 2.0.3.