Chd Mame S
This tutorial shows you how to get mame to correctly audit and play games requiring chds Chd = compressed hard discs Compressed hard disks allow arcade games to utilize extra space ranging from 50 megabytes to a couple of gigs. They were used for high end games that required more memory.
Mame Software List Chd
CHD files are compressed hard drive, CD or DVD images necessary for emulating some modern games using the MAME software. The term stands for Compressed Hunk of Data. How can the answer be improved?
If you have a problem or question I'd prefer you send me a personal message rather than asking on the video comments. Also, be sure to turn on the annotations.UPDATE. Guys its 2014 and I haven't used Mame in years and unfortunately all of my chd's were deleted so I can't send you guys any nor can I provide much help. But I do plan on getting back into emulators so I can make more tutorials and help so just be patient!